02452nas a2200253 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002653001100043653001200054653001300066653004800079653001000127100001400137700001400151700001800165700001400183700001400197245009400211856007100305300001200376490000800388520178800396020001402184 2000 d10acanyon10achannel10aHolocene10aNorwegian\quotesinglbaseƄ\ \iGreenland Sea10aslide1 aJ. Laberg1 aT. Vorren1 aJ. Dowdeswell1 aNH Kenyon1 aJ. Taylor00aThe And\oya Slide and the And\oya Canyon, north-eastern Norwegian\textendashGreenland Sea uhttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0025322799000870 a259-2750 v1623 aBased on GLORIA side-scan sonar imagery, echo sounder records, 3.5 kHz profiles, multichannel seismics and gravity cores the And\oya Slide and And\oya Canyon, north-eastern Norwegian\textendashGreenland Sea were mapped and interpreted. The And\oya Slide covers an area of about 9700 km2 of which the slide scar area comprise ca. 3600 km2. The slide has a total run-out distance of about 190 km. Slope failure is inferred to have occurred during the Holocene because the slide scar has prominent relief on the present sea floor. The area of sediment removal is characterised by an irregular relief were relatively consolidated sediments are exposed at the sea floor. Little or no unconsolidated sediments overlies the slide deposits. Earthquake activity is inferred to have triggered the slide. A Holocene age of the And\oya Slide implies that three giant slides (the Storegga, Tr\aenadjupet and And\oya Slides) have occurred along the continental slope of Norway during the last 10,000 years. A large canyon, the And\oya Canyon, is located immediately south of the And\oya Slide. On the upper slope, the canyon has been incised about 1000 m in the bedrock, and the maximum width at the bottom and between the canyon shoulders is 2 and 12 km, respectively. The And\oya Canyon represents the upper part of the Lofoten Basin Channel. Based on analogy with other deep-sea canyon/channel systems, the And\oya Canyon/Lofoten Basin Channel is possibly of pre-Quaternary age. Holocene sediments recovered from within the canyon, and draping the flanking channel deposits, indicate that the And\oya Canyon is not presently active and has probably not been active during the Holocene. During the Holocene, the canyon acted as a trap for sediments settling from the winnowing Norwegian Current. a0025-3227