
The timing, nature, and causes of grounded ice-sheet retreat following the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in Marguerite Trough, west Antarctic Peninsula, and subsequent early Holocene ice-shelf decay, are presented in this paper. We use sedimentological, foraminiferal, geotechnical, and accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS) radiocarbon data from marine cores from the mid-continental shelf, together with previously published AMS dates, to establish a sedimentological and chronological model.Initial ice-sheet retreat through the outer- and mid-shelf sectors of Marguerite Trough was under way by ca. 14 ka B.P., was rapid, and coincided with the sea-level rise of meltwater pulse 1a. An ice shelf formed during this retreat, and fine-grained, laminated muds reflecting meltwater-derived suspension settling and/or tidal pumping were deposited. During this time the ice sheet remained grounded on the inner shelf.Ice-shelf breakup and retreat of the calving front, from ca. 13.2 to 12.5 ka B.P., was slow (\~100 m a<sup>-1</sup>) across the outer- and mid-shelf, with calving bay conditions remaining for at least 3.5 ka. We interpret this ice-shelf decay to have been driven by an incursion of Weddell Sea Transitional Water onto the shelf. In contrast, grounding-line and ice-shelf retreat in the inner bay occurred from ca. 9.3 ka B.P. and was driven by Circumpolar Warm Deep Water encroaching onto the continental shelf. At this time the mid-shelf was an open-marine environment characterized by hemipelagic deposition. These findings highlight the importance of oceanographic controls in the breakup of Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves during the Holocene.

Year of Publication
Geological Society of America Bulletin
Number of Pages
Date Published
May 1, 2011
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