We have good connections with other repositories that store sediment samples and can help you locate samples in their holdings.

The British Geological Survey (BGS) and the National Geological Repository (NGR)

NGR is a national science facility and the largest collection of geoscience samples from the UK. It forms an integral part of the BGS and is located at the BGS’s headquarters in Nottinghamshire. (NGR website)

GEOMAR — Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

The GEOMAR core and rock repositories hold an extensive collection of marine sediment cores and rock samples. The majority of the samples is collected during ship expeditions to the world’s oceans. (Geomar repository website)

The Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) for Polar and Marine Research

AWI curates and archives sediment cores from both polar oceans which were taken by RV Polarstern since 1983. Additional 4,000 m of cores from other expeditions supplement this polar sediment collection. The working halves of cores from the Cape Roberts Project are also maintained by the AWI repository. (AWI repository website)

IFREMER seafloor samples repository

IFREMER is responsible for curating and preserving an extensive collection of marine sediment cores and rock samples located in its centre in Brest (France). The IFREMER Seafloor Samples repository contains more than 50,000 samples, at least 17 km of sediment cores, and 20,000 rock samples. (IFREMER repository website)

ISMAR core repository

The ISMAR core repository and connected laboratories are a multi-purpose facility for the storage and non-destructive processing of sediment cores. The ISMAR core repository contains an important collection of scientific samples from the shelves and deep seas. ISMAR is located in Venice (Italy). (ISMAR website)

International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP)

The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program has three main core repository facilities located at: the University of Bremen, Germany; Gulf Coast Repository located at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas; Kochi University in Kochi, Japan. (IODP website)

Lamont Doherty Core Repository

Lamont Doherty Core Repository: Columbia University, New York. The collection contains approximately 72,000 metres of core comprising 9,700 piston cores, 7,000 trigger weight cores and 2,000 other core types, including box, kasten and other large-diameter gravity cores. (LDCR website)


LACCORE: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. The LacCore Facility archives several thousands of metres of sediment cores from large and small expeditions to lakes all around the world. (LACCORE website)

University of California, San Diego

The SIO Geological Collections contain 6,600 sediment cores and over 3,500 dredge hauls from the world's oceans. La Jolla, California. (UCSD website)

University of Rhode Island

University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, Rhode Island. The Marine Geological Samples Laboratory (MGSL) of the Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island serves as the central repository for dredge rocks, deep-sea cores and land-based geological samples collected by the Marine Geology and Geophysics Group. Narrgansett, Rhode Island, USA. (MGSL website)

Woods Hole, Massachussetts

The Woods Hole collection contains over 14,000 archived marine geological samples from more than 425 separate oceanographic expeditions. The inventory includes sediment cores, rock dredges, surface grabs and samples collected by DSRV Alvin. (WHOI website)

Oregon State University

The marine sediment and rock collection at Oregon State University comes from all oceans. As of 2011, it contains over 15,000 metres of sediment from 6000 cores and more than 14,700 rocks from 509 dredges. Corrallis, Oregon, USA. (OSU website)

United States Geological Survey (USGS) Repositories

This website lists the USGS science centers and repositories across the United States. Six different instituttions in total (USGS repositories website)