Schemes for PhD students and Early Career Researchers
BOSCORF bursary scheme
Each year, BOSCORF offers small bursaries to PhD students and ECRs to support core analysis projects. The value of these bursaries varies from:
- 1-2 days of equivalent analysis time for non-NERC students and non-NERC ECRs, with a maximum of 3 days for exceptional applications.
- 2-3 days of equivalent analysis time for NERC students and NERC-funded ECRs, with a maximum of 5 days for exceptional applications.
Applicants should consult with BOSCORF staff prior to submitting analysis requests to discuss their projects and to determine whether their request is feasible within the limits of the bursary scheme.
PhD students and ECRs requiring more analytical time than BOSCORF can support are advised to apply for additional funds to supplement the bursary. This could be from institutional funds, project funds, and other grants and awards available through research organisations and professional bodies (e.g., Quaternary Research Association, Geological Society, Challenger Society for Marine Science).
PhD students can apply for the scheme by submitting an online request form. Analysis requests for the bursary must demonstrate a pathway to impact and provide a strong justification for the use of BOSCORF resources.
Please note that recipients of BOSCORF bursaries are expected to contribute to the preparation of their samples and assists with the analyses. In exceptional cases where it is not possible to visit BOSCORF other arrangements can be made. Please speak to the BOSCORF team for advice and expectations regarding sample preparation.
BOSCORF pilot study scheme
Each year, BOSCORF funds a limited number of small-scale pilot studies to researchers seeking preliminary data for grant applications to NERC and UKRI. BOSCORF’s pilot study scheme supports 1-2 days of equivalent analysis time, with a maximum of 3 days for exceptional applications.
Applicants should consult with BOSCORF staff prior to submitting analysis requests to discuss the requirements for their projects and to determine whether their pilot study is feasible within the limits of the support scheme.
Researchers of all levels can apply for the pilot study scheme by submitting an online request form. Analysis requests for pilot studies must demonstrate a pathway to impact and provide a strong justification for the use of BOSCORF resources.
Smear Slide collection
Smear slides are provided for research and educational use under a no-cost loan scheme. Please contact for more information.