BOSCORF runs two short training courses annually. We also provide one-to-one training on specific advanced non-destructive analytical techniques and descriptive sedimentological core logging; in case your project requires it.


X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Core Scanning Course

The XRF Core Scanning course is intended for later-stage PhDs and ECRs with XRF core scanning datasets, but is open to anyone wanting to learn more about XRF scanning. This course will focus on the Avaatech and Itrax XRF Core Scanners, and how each system works. Tutorials will cover the data limitations, methods for quality controlling the data. The course will also hold an introduction session to ‘Using Itrax Data in R’.


New course dates will be announced Autumn 2024.


Marine Sediment Cores: Analysis & Interpretation 

BOSCORF is offering an introduction to a wide range of marine sedimentary environments. The workshop is specifically for PhD students or sedimentologists with limited experience of working with marine sediment cores. This will provide beginners with the opportunity to get hands-on training on how to visually log sediment cores.


New course dates will be announced in Autumn 2024.