Dr Suzanne MacLachlan


Telephone: +44 (0)23 8059 6567 (Internal: 26567)

Email: boscorf@noc.ac.uk or s.maclachlan@noc.ac.uk

As the BOSCORF Curator, Suzie oversees all repository activities and approval of all data, sample, and analysis requests. In addition, she is a core logging specialist and advises on the use and interpretation of the core logging instruments.

Dr Cían McGuire

Deputy Curator

Telephone: +44 (0)23 8059 6292 (Internal: 26292)

Email: boscorf@noc.ac.uk or cian.mcguire@noc.ac.uk

As Deputy Curator, Cían's responsibilities range from specialist analysis of sediment cores, coordinating sample management and curation tasks, liaising with scientific facility users and leading the facility’s outreach and educational activities.

Dr Miros Charidemou

Core Scanning Specialist

Telephone: +44 (0)23 8059 6292 (Internal: 26292)

Email: boscorf@noc.ac.uk or miros.charidemou@noc.ac.uk

Miros is responsible for managing the data collected on the facility’s core logging instruments and for maintaining the database of sediment core holdings and sample metadata. He also provides operational support on a range of instruments and advises on data quality and interpretation.

Mike Edwards

Sediment Core Laboratory Technician

Telephone: +44 (0)23 8059 6292 (Internal: 26292)

Email: boscorf@noc.ac.uk or mike.edwards@noc.ac.uk

Mike is the BOSCORF engineer responsible for maintaining all of the instruments, gathering quality data and providing a practical perspective on the vast array of different challenges faced by the facility. Mike also oversees the acquisition of new cores to the collection and their long term storage and preservation.

Rebecca Garnett

Geological Samples Radiography Technician

Telephone: +44 (0)23 8059 6292 (Internal: 26292)

Email: boscorf@noc.ac.uk or rebecca.garnett@noc.ac.uk

Rebecca operates the ScoutXcan and Scanning Electron Microscope in the BOSCORF laboratory. She assists in the operation of the other core logging instruments. Rebecca keeps an eye on data quality, can assist with core sample preparation prior to analysis, sampling and data collecting.