
To settle debate on the timing of sea level fluctuations during marine isotope stage (MIS) 3, we present records of <i>δ</i><sup>18</sup>O<sub>ruber</sub> (sea level proxy) and magnetic susceptibility from the same samples within the single sediment archive (i.e., \textquotedblleftcoregistered\textquotedblright) of central Red Sea core GeoTü-KL11. Core-scanning X-ray fluorescence and environmental magnetic data establish the suitability of magnetic susceptibility as a proxy for eolian dust content in Red Sea sediments. The eolian dust data record similar variability as Greenland <i>δ</i><sup>18</sup>O<sub>ice</sub> during early to middle MIS 3, in agreement with previous observations that regional Arabian Sea climate fluctuated with a timing similar to that of Greenland climate variations. In contrast, the sea level record fluctuates with a timing similar to that of Antarctic-style climate variations. The coregistered nature of the two records in core KL11 unambiguously reveals a distinct offset in the phase relationship between sea level and eolian dust fluctuations. The results confirm that sea level rises, indicated by shifts in Red Sea <i>δ</i><sup>18</sup>O<sub>ruber</sub> to lighter values, occurred during cold episodes in Greenland during early to middle MIS 3. This indicates that the amplitudes of the reconstructed MIS 3 sea level fluctuations would not be reduced by inclusion of regional climate fluctuations in the Red Sea sea level method. Our analysis comprehensively supports our earlier conclusions of large-amplitude sea level variations during MIS 3 with a timing that is strongly similar to Antarctic-style climate variations.

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