This week the filming was on location for a new series of online courses provided collaboratively by BOSCORF and National Environmental Isotope Facility. At a scenic coastal location in southwest Scotland the filming of the BOSCORF course commenced.

For an upcoming series of online courses on the Geo-Biosciences Advanced E-Learning Academy (in short GAEA platform) several video clips were filmed. The course on argon-argon dating, for example, will launch spring 2022, with further courses being made available throughout the year.

Suzanne MacLachlan—Curator of BOSCORF—who features in one of the video teaching modules, commented on the new GAEA courses: “these courses will provide a unique online database for all topics geochronology”. She added: “topic specific knowledge and content will be made available on several levels, from beginner to expert”.

Funded by the Natural Environment Research Council, these GAEA courses will be integrated with courses held in person at the BOSCORF facility in Southampton. Furthermore, the courses will form part of a UK-wide training network for PhD and Early Career Researchers.