Year 2009
Title Year Authors
Sea ice variations in the central Canadian Arctic Archipelago during the Holocene 2009 Lindsay Vare, Guillaume Mass√\textcopyright, Thomas Gregory, Christopher Smart, Simon Belt
Sediment dynamics of a sandy contourite: the sedimentary context of the Darwin cold-water coral mounds, Northern Rockall Trough 2009 V. Huvenne, D. Masson, A. Wheeler
The sediment infill of subglacial meltwater channels on the West Antarctic continental shelf 2009 James Smith, Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, Robert Larter, Alastair Graham, Gerhard Kuhn
Variations in mid-latitude North Atlantic surface water properties during the mid-Brunhes: Does Marine Isotope Stage 11 stand out? 2009 A. Voelker, Teresa Rodrigues, R Stein, J. Hefter, K. Billups, D. Oppo, J. McManus, Joan Grimalt
The impact of rapid climate change on prehistoric societies during the Holocene in the Eastern Mediterranean 2009 B. Weninger, L. Clare, Eelco Rohling, O. Bar-Yosef, U. Boehner, M. Budja, M. Bundschuh, A. Feurdean, H.G. Gebe, O. Joeris
Growth, dynamics and deglaciation of the last British\quotesinglbaseÄ\ \iIrish ice sheet: the deep-sea ice-rafted detritus record 2009 James Scourse, Anna Haapaniemi, Elena Colmenero-Hidalgo, Victoria Peck, Ian Hall, William Austin, Paul Knutz, Rainer Zahn
Formation of mud ridge and runnels in the intertidal zone of the Severn Estuary, UK 2009 P. Carling, J. Williams, I. Croudace, C. Amos
Age assignment of a diatomaceous ooze deposited in the western Amundsen Sea Embayment after the Last Glacial Maximum 2009 Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, James Smith, Gerhard Kuhn, Oliver Esper, Rainer Gersonde, Rob Larter, Barbara Maher, Steven Moreton, Tracy Shimmield, Monika Korte
Atmospheric methane, southern European vegetation and low-mid latitude links on orbital and millennial timescales 2009 P. Tzedakis, H. Pälike, K. Roucoux, L. de Abreu
British Ice Sheet dynamics inferred from North Atlantic ice-rafted debris records spanning the last 175 000 years 2009 Fiona Hibbert, William Austin, Melanie Leng, Robert Gatliff
Clay mineral provenance of sediments in the southern Bellingshausen Sea reveals drainage changes of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Late Quaternary 2009 C. Hillenbrand, W. Ehrmann, R. Larter, S. Benetti, J. Dowdeswell, C. Cofaigh, A. Graham, H. Grobe
Constraints on the magnitude and patterns of ocean cooling at the Last Glacial Maximum 2009 Claire Waelbroeck, A Paul, Michal Kucera, Rosell-Mel\ e, M Weinelt, R Schneider, A. Mix, A Abelmann, L. Armand, E. Bard, S. Barker, T.T. Barrows, H. Benway, I. Cacho, M.-T. Chen, Ian Croudace, X. Crosta, A. de Vernal, T. Dokken, J. Duprat, H. Elderfield, F. Eynaud, R. Gersonde, A. Hayes, M. Henry, C. Hillaire-Marcel, C.-C. Huang, E. Jansen, S. Juggins, N. Kallel, T. Kiefer, M. Kienast, L. Labeyrie, H. Leclaire, L. Londeix, S. Mangin, J. Matthiessen, F. Marret, M. Meland, A.E. Morey, S. Mulitza, U. Pflaumann, N.G. Pisias, T. Radi, A. Rochon, Eelco Rohling, L. Sbaffi, C. Schäfer-Neth, S. Solignac, H. Spero, K. Tachikawa, J.-L Turon
Contrasting sources for glacial and interglacial shelf sediments used to interpret changing ice flow directions in the Larsen Basin, Northern Antarctic Peninsula 2009 Benedict Reinardy, Carol Pudsey, Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, Tavi Murray, Jeffrey Evans
Deposits of flows transitional between turbidity current and debris flow 2009 Esther Sumner, Peter Talling, Lawrence Amy
Early and middle Holocene in the Aegean Sea: interplay between high and low latitude climate variability 2009 Gianluca Marino, Eelco Rohling, Francesca Sangiorgi, Angela Hayes, James Casford, Andr\ Lotter, Michal Kucera, Henk Brinkhuis
Evidence for carbonate platform failure during rapid sea-level rise; ca 14 000 year old bioclastic flow deposits in the Lesser Antilles 2009 Jessica Trofimovs, Jodie Fisher, Heather Macdonald, Peter Talling, Stephen Sparks, Malcolm Hart, Christopher Smart, Georges Boudon, Christine Deplus, Jean-Christophe Komorowski, Anne Le Friant, Steven Moreton, Melanie Leng
Year 2008
Title Year Authors
Sedimentary features and processes in the Nazar\ e and Set\ ubal submarine canyons, west Iberian margin 2008 R. Arzola, R. Wynn, G. Lastras, D.G. Masson, P. Weaver
New constraints on the timing of sea level fluctuations during early to middle marine isotope stage 3 2008 E.J. Rohling, K. Grant, C. Hemleben, M. Kucera, A. Roberts, I. Schmeltzer, H. Schulz, M. Siccha, M. Siddall, G. Trommer
Magnetic signature of European margin sediments: Provenance of ice-rafted debris and the climatic response of the British ice sheet during Marine Isotope Stages 2 and 3 2008 Clare Peters, John Walden, William Austin
Holocene oscillations in temperature and salinity of the surface subpolar North Atlantic 2008 David Thornalley, Harry Elderfield, Nick Mccave
Deep-sea homogenites: sedimentary expression of a prehistoric megatsunami in the eastern Mediterranean 2008 M.B. Cita, T Shiki, T Tsuji, T Yamazaki, K Minoura
Chapter 15 Sediment Waves and Bedforms 2008 R. Wynn, D.G. Masson, M. Rebesco, A. Camerlenghi, M. Rebesco, A. Camerlenghi
Centennial-scale evolution of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in the northeast Atlantic Ocean between 39.5 and 56.5 ka B.P 2008 Alexander Dickson, William Austin, Ian Hall, Mark Maslin, Michal Kucera
Calcareous nannofossil surface sediment assemblages from the Sicily Channel (central Mediterranean Sea): Palaeoceanographic implications 2008 A. Incarbona, S. Bonomo, E. Di Stefano, S. Zgozi, N. Essarbout, M. Talha, G. Tranchida, A. Bonanno, B. Patti, F. Placenti, G. Buscaino, A. Cuttitta, G. Basilone, T. Bahri, F. Massa, P. Censi, S. Mazzola
Benthic foraminiferal response to changes in bottom-water oxygenation and organic carbon flux in the eastern Mediterranean during LGM to Recent times 2008 R. Abu-Zied, E.J. Rohling, F. Jorissen, C. Fontanier, J. Casford, S. Cooke