Year 2004
Title Year Authors
Variations in terrigenous dilution in western Mediterranean Sea pelagic sediments in response to climate change during the last glacial cycle 2004 B. Hoogakker, Guy Rothwell, E.J. Rohling, M. Paterne, D. Stow, J. Herrle, T. Clayton
Timing and significance of glacially influenced mass-wasting in the submarine channels of the Greenland Basin 2004 Colm Cofaigh, Julian Dowdeswell, Jeffrey Evans, Neil Kenyon, Justin Taylor, Jürgen Mienert, Manon Wilken
Tidal height and frequency dependence of acoustic velocity and attenuation in shallow gassy marine sediments 2004 Angus Best, Michael Tuffin, Justin Dix, Jonathan Bull
Sedimentary environment of the Faroe-Shetland and Faroe Bank Channels, north-east Atlantic, and the use of bedforms as indicators of bottom current velocity in the deep ocean 2004 D.G. Masson, R. Wynn, B. Bett
The measurement of vertical shear-wave velocity using side-mounted bender elements in the triaxial apparatus 2004 C.R.I. Clayton, M. Theron, AI Best
Four-Hundred-and-Ninety-Million-Year Record of Bacteriogenic Iron Oxide Precipitation at Sea-Floor Hydrothermal Vents 2004 Crispin Little, Sarah Glynn, Rachel Mills
Florisphaera profunda and the origin and diagenesis of carbonate phases in eastern Mediterranean sapropel units 2004 J. Thomson, D. Crudeli, G. de Lange, C. Slomp, E. Erba, C. Corselli, S. Calvert
The Duration of Forest Stages in Southern Europe and Interglacial Climate Variability 2004 P. Tzedakis, K. Roucoux, L. de Abreu, N. Shackleton
Discharge of pyroclastic flows into the sea during the 1996\textendash1998 eruptions of the Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat 2004 Karen Hart, Steven Carey, Haraldur Sigurdsson, Stephen Sparks, Richard Robertson
Beds comprising debrite sandwiched within co-genetic turbidite: origin and widespread occurrence in distal depositional environments 2004 P.J. Talling, L. Amy, R. Wynn, J. Peakall, M. Robinson
The Azores Front since the Last Glacial Maximum 2004 M. Rogerson, E.J. Rohling, P.P.E. Weaver, J. Murray
The age and chronostratigraphical significance of North Atlantic Ash zone II 2004 W. Austin, LJ Wilson, JB Hunt
Year 2003
Title Year Authors
Giant carbonate mud mounds in the southern Rockall Trough 2003 Neil Kenyon, A. Akhmetzhanov, Andrew Wheeler, Tjeerd van Weering, Henk de Haas, Michael Ivanov
The Iberian and Canaries Margin including NW Africa 2003 P.P.E. Weaver, M. Canals, J. Mienert, P. Weaver
Magnetic characterisation of present-day deep-sea sediments and sources in the North Atlantic 2003 S. Watkins, B. Maher
Mobility of authigenic rhenium, silver, and selenium during postdepositional oxidation in marine sediments 2003 John Crusius, John Thomson
Morphology and acoustic character of the middle and lower North Sea Fan 2003 J. Taylor, J. Dowdeswell, NH Kenyon, J. Mienert, P. Weaver
Giant carbonate mounds and current swept seafloors on the slopes of the southern Rockall Trough 2003 A. Akhmetzhanov, NH Kenyon, M.K. Ivanov, A.J. Wheeler, P.J. Shashkin, T.C.E. Van Weering, J. Mienert, P. Weaver
Flow processes in the Saharan debris flow 2003 M.J.R. Gee, D.G. Masson, J. Mienert, P.P.E. Weaver
A dynamic concept for eastern Mediterranean circulation and oxygenation during sapropel formation 2003 J. Casford, E.J. Rohling, R. Abu-Zied, C. Fontanier, F. Jorissen, M. Leng, G. Schmiedl, J. Thomson
A densely sampled core and climate variable aliasing 2003 C. Wunsch, D. Gunn
Deep-water sediment wave fields, bottom current sand channels and gravity flow channel-lobe systems: Gulf of Cadiz, NE Atlantic 2003 Edward Habgood, Neil Kenyon, Douglas Masson, A. Akhmetzhanov, Philip Weaver, Joan Gardner, Thierry Mulder
The continental rise west of Porcupine Seabight, northeast Atlantic 2003 A. Akhmetzhanov, NH Kenyon, M. Ivanov, BT Cronin, J. Mienert, P. Weaver, J. Mienert, P. Weaver
Canyon heads and channel architecture of the Gollum Channel, Porcupine Seabight 2003 A.J. Wheeler, NH Kenyon, M.K. Ivanov, BT Cronin, A. McDonnell, HW Schenke, A. Akhmetzhanov, N. Satur, S. Zaragosi, J. Mienert, P. Weaver
Canyon and channel systems in the Lofoten Basin, Norwegian margin 2003 J. Taylor, J. Dowdeswell, NH Kenyon, J. Mienert, P. Weaver