Year 2001
Title Year Authors
Temporal variability of P-wave attenuation due to gas bubbles in a marine sediment 2001 MDJ Tuffin, AI Best, J.K. Dix, J. Bull, G.J. Heald, H.D. Griffiths, G. Griffiths
Nd isotopic compositions of Eastern Mediterranean sediments: tracers of the Nile influence during sapropel S1 formation? 2001 R. Freydier, A. Michard, G. De Lange, J. Thomson
Millennial-scale depositional cycles related to British Ice Sheet variability and North Atlantic paleocirculation since 45 kyr B.P., Barra Fan, U.K. margin 2001 Paul Knutz, William Austin, John Jones
Mediterranean climate variability during the Holocene 2001 J. Casford, R. Abu-Zied, E.J. Rohling, S. Cooke, K. Boessenkool, H. Brinkhuis, C. De Vries, G. Wefer, M. Geraga, G. Papatheodorou, I. Croudace, J. Thomson, V. Lykousis, N. Wells
Integrated stratigraphy of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Upper Jurassic) based on exposures and boreholes in south Dorset, UK 2001 H. Morgans-Bell, A. Coe, S.P. Hesselbo, H.C. Jenkyns, G.P. Weedon, J.E.A. Marshall, R. Tyson, C.J. Williams
High-resolution geochemical and micropalaeontological profiling of the most recent eastern Mediterranean sapropel 2001 D. Mercone, J. Thomson, R. Abu-Zied, I. Croudace, E.J. Rohling
Elastic wave properties of carbonate marine sediments in the Strait of Hormuz 2001 Angus Best, SG Marks, T.G. Leighton, G.J. Heald, H. Griffiths, G. Griffiths
Comparison of in situ and laboratory acoustic measurements on Lough Hyne marine sediments 2001 Angus Best, Quentin Huggett, Andrew Harris
The acoustic characteristics of marine archaeological wood 2001 J.K. Dix, S. Arnott, AI Best, D. Gregory, T.G. Leighton, G.J. Heald, H. Griffiths, G. Griffiths
Year 2000
Title Year Authors
Low sea-level stand emplacement of megaturbidites in the western and eastern Mediterranean Sea 2000 Guy Rothwell, M. Reeder, G. Anastasakis, D. Stow, J. Thomson, G. Kähler
The Northwest African slope apron: a modern analogue for deep-water systems with complex seafloor topography 2000 Russell Wynn, Douglas Masson, Dorrik Stow, P. Weaver
Sedimentary processes in the Selvage sediment-wave field, NE Atlantic: new insights into the formation of sediment waves by turbidity currents 2000 Russell Wynn, Philip Weaver, Gemma Ercilla, Dorrik Stow, Douglas Masson
Transparent layers in seismic reflection records from the central Ionian Sea (Mediterranean)-evidence for repeated catastrophic turbidite sedimentation during the Quaternary 2000 W. Hieke
Turbidity current sediment waves on the submarine slopes of the western Canary Islands 2000 Russell Wynn, Douglas Masson, Dorrik Stow, Philip Weaver
Influence of sea level and basin physiography on emplacement of the late Pleistocene Herodotus Basin Megaturbidite, SE Mediterranean Sea 2000 Michael Reeder, Guy Rothwell, Dorrik Stow
Early diagenesis in North Atlantic abyssal plain sediments characterized by rock-magnetic and geochemical indices 2000 Simon Robinson, John Sahota, Frank Oldfield
Duration of S1, the Most Recent Sapropel in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, as Indicated by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Radiocarbon and Geochemical Evidence 2000 D. Mercone, J. Thomson, I. Croudace, G. Siani, M. Paterne, S. Troelstra
Acoustic facies of Holocene megaturbidites in the Eastern Mediterranean 2000 M. Rebesco, Della Vedova, L. Cernobori, G. Aloisi
The And\oya Slide and the And\oya Canyon, north-eastern Norwegian\textendashGreenland Sea 2000 J. Laberg, T. Vorren, J. Dowdeswell, NH Kenyon, J. Taylor
The Augias megaturbidite in the central Ionian Sea (central Mediterranean) and its relation to the Holocene Santorini event 2000 W. Hieke, F. Werner
Comparative behavior of authigenic Re, U, and Mo during reoxidation and subsequent long-term burial in marine sediments 2000 John Crusius, John Thomson
Continental margin sedimentation, with special reference to the north-east Atlantic margin 2000 Philip Weaver, Russell Wynn, Neil Kenyon, Jeremy Evans
Deep-sea tsunami deposits triggered by the explosion of Santorini (3500 y BP), eastern Mediterranean 2000 M.B. Cita, G. Aloisi