Year 2003
Title Year Authors
The continental rise west of Porcupine Seabight, northeast Atlantic 2003 A. Akhmetzhanov, NH Kenyon, M. Ivanov, BT Cronin, J. Mienert, P. Weaver, J. Mienert, P. Weaver
Deep-water sediment wave fields, bottom current sand channels and gravity flow channel-lobe systems: Gulf of Cadiz, NE Atlantic 2003 Edward Habgood, Neil Kenyon, Douglas Masson, A. Akhmetzhanov, Philip Weaver, Joan Gardner, Thierry Mulder
A densely sampled core and climate variable aliasing 2003 C. Wunsch, D. Gunn
A dynamic concept for eastern Mediterranean circulation and oxygenation during sapropel formation 2003 J. Casford, E.J. Rohling, R. Abu-Zied, C. Fontanier, F. Jorissen, M. Leng, G. Schmiedl, J. Thomson
Flow processes in the Saharan debris flow 2003 M.J.R. Gee, D.G. Masson, J. Mienert, P.P.E. Weaver
Giant carbonate mounds and current swept seafloors on the slopes of the southern Rockall Trough 2003 A. Akhmetzhanov, NH Kenyon, M.K. Ivanov, A.J. Wheeler, P.J. Shashkin, T.C.E. Van Weering, J. Mienert, P. Weaver
Year 2002
Title Year Authors
Processes on sediment drifts from 3.5 kHz data, Antarctic Peninsula continental rise. 2002 C. Pudsey, John Howe, Peter Morris, D. Gunn, J.A. Gamble, D.N.B. Skinner, S. Henry
Relative geomagnetic paleointensity from the Jaramillo Subchron to the Matuyama/Brunhes boundary as recorded in a Mediterranean piston core 2002 Jaume Dinarès-Turell, Leonardo Sagnotti, Andrew Roberts
Sandy submarine canyon-mouth lobes on the western margin of Corsica and Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea 2002 Neil Kenyon, Ingo Klaucke, John Millington, Michael Ivanov
Sediment reworking on high-latitude continental margins and its implications for palaeoceanographic studies: insights from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea 2002 Colm Cofaigh, Justin Taylor, Julian Dowdeswell, Antoni e, Neil Kenyon, Jeffrey Evans, Jürgen Mienert, J. Dowdeswell, Colm Cofaigh
Sedimentary processes, bedforms and facies, associated with a coastal headland: Portland Bill, Southern UK 2002 A. Bastos, NH Kenyon, M. Collins
The Sicilian gateway: anatomy of the deep-water connection between East and West Mediterranean basins 2002 Michael Reeder, Guy Rothwell, Dorrik Stow, D. Stow, C. Pudsey, John Howe, J. Faugeres, A. Viana
Turbidite depositional architecture across three interconnected deep-water basins on the north-west African margin 2002 Russell Wynn, Philip Weaver, Douglas Masson, Dorrik Stow
Wave-form sheeted contourite drift on the Barra Fan, NW UK continental margin 2002 Paul Knutz, John Jones, John Howe, Tjeerd Van Weering, Dorrik Stow, D. Stow, C. Pudsey, John Howe, J. Faugeres, A. Viana
The Moroccan Turbidite System 2002 R. Wynn, P. Weaver, Masson, D. Stow, J. Mienert, P. Weaver
Late Quaternary turbidite input into the east Mediterranean basin: new radiocarbon constraints on climate and sea-level control 2002 Michael Reeder, Dorrik Stow, Guy Rothwell, S.J. Jones, L.E. Frostick
On the architecture of high-latitude continental margins: the influence of ice-sheet and sea-ice processes in the Polar North Atlantic 2002 J. Dowdeswell, C. Cofaigh, J. Taylor, NH Kenyon, J. Mienert, M. Wilken, J. Dowdeswell, C. Cofaigh
Circulation changes and nutrient concentrations in the late Quaternary Aegean Sea: A nonsteady state concept for sapropel formation 2002 J. Casford, E.J. Rohling, R. Abu-Zied, S. Cooke, C. Fontanier, M. Leng, V. Lykousis
Classification and characterisation of deep-water sediment waves 2002 Russell Wynn, Dorrik Stow
Climatic influence on sediment transport in the Mediterranean outflow current (Gulf of Cadiz, Spain) 2002 M. Rogerson
Fluxes to sediments underlying the Rainbow hydrothermal plume at 36\textordmasculine 14 N on the Mid Atlantic Ridge 2002 R. Cave, C. German, J. Thomson, R. Nesbitt
Glacimarine slope sedimentation, contourite drifts and bottom current pathways on the Barra Fan, UK North Atlantic margin 2002 P. Knutz, E. Jones, W. Austin, T.C.E. Van Weering
Holocene atmosphere-ocean interactions: records from Greenland and the Aegean Sea 2002 Rohling Rohling, Mayewski Mayewski, R. Abu-Zied, Casford Casford, Hayes Hayes
Late Quaternary architecture of trough-mouth fans: debris flows and suspended sediments on the Norwegian margin 2002 J. Taylor, J. Dowdeswell, NH Kenyon, C. Cofaigh, J. Dowdeswell, C. Cofaigh
Late Quaternary palaeoenvironment and chronology in the Tr\aenadjupet Slide area offshore Norway 2002 J. Laberg, T. Vorren, J. Mienert, D. Evans, B. Lindberg, D. Ottesen, NH Kenyon, S. Henriksen