Year 2006
Title Year Authors
Shallow seabed methane gas could pose coastal hazard 2006 Angus Best, Michael Richardson, Bernard Boudreau, Alan Judd, Ira Leifer, Anthony Lyons, Christopher Martens, Danial Orange, Simon Wheeler
Submarine landslides: processes, triggers and hazard prediction 2006 D.G. Masson, C.B Harbitz, R. Wynn, G Pedersen, F L\ovholt
Submarine pyroclastic deposits formed at the Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat (1995\quotesinglbaseÄ\ \i2003): What happens when pyroclastic flows enter the ocean? 2006 J. Trofimovs, L. Amy, G. Boudon, C. Deplus, E. Doyle, N. Fournier, M.B. Hart, J. Komorowski, A. Le Friant, E.J. Lock, C. Pudsey, G. Ryan, R.S.J. Sparks, P.J. Talling
Timing of meltwater pulse 1a and climate responses to meltwater injections 2006 Jennifer Stanford, Eelco Rohling, Sally Hunter, Andrew Roberts, Sune Rasmussen, Edouard Bard, Jerry McManus, Richard Fairbanks
Turbidite emplacement on the southern Balearic Abyssal Plain (western Mediterranean Sea) during Marine Isotope Stages 1-3: an application of ITRAX XRF scanning of sediment cores to lithostratigraphic analysis 2006 Guy Rothwell, Babette Hoogakker, John Thomson, Ian Croudace, Michael Frenz, Guy Rothwell
Underlying causes for long-term global ocean δ13C fluctuations over the last 1.20 Myr 2006 B. Hoogakker, E.J. Rohling, M. Palmer, T. Tyrrell, Guy Rothwell
Variability of the North Atlantic Current during the last 2000 years based on shelf bottom water and sea surface temperatures along an open ocean/shallow marine transect in western Europe 2006 J\ iksson, Helga ottir, Alix Cage, Esther ottir, Dorthe Klitgaard-Kristensen, Fabienne Marret, Teresa Rodrigues, Fatima Abrantes, William Austin, Hui Jiang, Karen-Luise Knudsen, Hans-Petter Sejrup
Water column dynamics during the last interglacial anoxic event in the Mediterranean (sapropel S5) 2006 E.J. Rohling, E. Hopmans, J. e
Promotion of meridional overturning by Mediterranean-derived salt during the last deglaciation 2006 M. Rogerson, E.J. Rohling, P.P.E. Weaver
The North Atlantic Oscillation forcing through the last 2000 years: Spatial variability as revealed by high-resolution marine diatom records from N and SW Europe 2006 Isabelle Gil, Fatima Abrantes, Dierk Hebbeln
An 18m thick volcaniclastic interval in Pantelleria Trough, Sicily Channel, deposited from a large gravitative flow during the Green Tuff eruption 2006 G. Anastasakis, G. Pe-Piper
Attenuation of seismic waves in methane gas hydrate-bearing sand 2006 Jeffrey Priest, Angus Best, Christopher Clayton
Colour logging as a tool in high-resolution palaeoceanography 2006 M. Rogerson, P.P.E. Weaver, E.J. Rohling, L. Lourens, J. Murray, A. Hayes, Guy Rothwell
Deconstructing Terminations I and II: revisiting the glacioeustatic paradigm based on deep-water temperature estimates 2006 L. Skinner, N. Shackleton
An effective medium inversion algorithm for gas hydrate quantification and its application to laboratory and borehole measurements of gas hydrate-bearing sediments 2006 Shyam Chand, Tim Minshull, Jeff Priest, Angus Best, Christopher Clayton, William Waite
The frequency dependence of compressional wave velocity and attenuation coefficient of intertidal marine sediments 2006 G. Robb, AI Best, J.K. Dix, J. Bull, T.G. Leighton, P. White
A geochemical application of the ITRAX scanner to a sediment core containing eastern Mediterranean sapropel units 2006 J. Thomson, I. Croudace, Guy Rothwell, Guy Rothwell
High resolution evidence for linkages between NW European ice sheet instability and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation 2006 V. Peck, I. Hall, R. Zahn, H. Elderfield, F. Grousset, S. Hemming, J. Scourse
ITRAX: description and evaluation of a new multi-function X-ray core scanner 2006 Ian Croudace, Anders Rindby, Guy Rothwell, Guy Rothwell
Mid-latitude shelf seas: a NW European perspective on the seasonal dynamics of temperature, salinity and oxygen isotopes 2006 W. Austin, A. Cage, J. Scourse
New techniques in sediment core analysis: an introduction 2006 Guy Rothwell, Frank Rack, Guy Rothwell
Year 2005
Title Year Authors
A laboratory investigation into the seismic velocities of methane gas hydrate-bearing sand 2005 Jeffrey Priest, Angus Best, Christopher Clayton
Imaging of Buried Archaeological Materials: The Reflection Properties of Archaeological Wood 2005 S. Arnott, J.K. Dix, AI Best, D. Gregory
The effects of disseminated methane hydrate on the dynamic stiffness and damping of a sand 2005 C.R.I. Clayton, J.A. Priest, AI Best
Bubble growth and rise in soft sediments 2005 Bernard Boudreau, Chris Algar, Bruce Johnson, Ian Croudace, Allen Reed, Yoko Furukawa, Kelley Dorgan, Peter Jumars, Abraham Grader, Bruce Gardiner