Year 2008
Title Year Authors
Anatomy of a submarine pyroclastic flow and associated turbidity current: July 2003 dome collapse, Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, West Indies 2008 Jessica Trofimovs, Stephen Sparks, Peter Talling
Benthic foraminiferal response to changes in bottom-water oxygenation and organic carbon flux in the eastern Mediterranean during LGM to Recent times 2008 R. Abu-Zied, E.J. Rohling, F. Jorissen, C. Fontanier, J. Casford, S. Cooke
Calcareous nannofossil surface sediment assemblages from the Sicily Channel (central Mediterranean Sea): Palaeoceanographic implications 2008 A. Incarbona, S. Bonomo, E. Di Stefano, S. Zgozi, N. Essarbout, M. Talha, G. Tranchida, A. Bonanno, B. Patti, F. Placenti, G. Buscaino, A. Cuttitta, G. Basilone, T. Bahri, F. Massa, P. Censi, S. Mazzola
Centennial-scale evolution of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in the northeast Atlantic Ocean between 39.5 and 56.5 ka B.P 2008 Alexander Dickson, William Austin, Ian Hall, Mark Maslin, Michal Kucera
Chapter 15 Sediment Waves and Bedforms 2008 R. Wynn, D.G. Masson, M. Rebesco, A. Camerlenghi, M. Rebesco, A. Camerlenghi
Deep-sea homogenites: sedimentary expression of a prehistoric megatsunami in the eastern Mediterranean 2008 M.B. Cita, T Shiki, T Tsuji, T Yamazaki, K Minoura
Holocene oscillations in temperature and salinity of the surface subpolar North Atlantic 2008 David Thornalley, Harry Elderfield, Nick Mccave
Year 2007
Title Year Authors
Onset of submarine debris flow deposition far from original giant landslide 2007 P.J. Talling, R. Wynn, D.G. Masson, M. Frenz, BT Cronin, R. Schiebel, A. Akhmetzhanov, S. Dallmeier-Tiessen, S. Benetti, P.P.E. Weaver, A. Georgiopoulou, C. Zuhlsdorff, L. Amy
Phasing of millennial events and Northeast Atlantic deep-water temperature change since 50 ka BP 2007 L. Skinner, H. Elderfield, M. Hall, A. Schmittner, J. Chiang, S. Hemming
Progressive reduction in NE Atlantic intermediate water ventilation prior to Heinrich events: Response to NW European ice sheet instabilities? 2007 V. Peck, I. Hall, R. Zahn, J. Scourse
Rapid fluctuations in the deep North Atlantic heat budget during the last glacial period 2007 L. Skinner, H. Elderfield
The relationship of Heinrich events and their European precursors over the past 60$\#$xa0;ka BP: a multi-proxy ice-rafted debris provenance study in the North East Atlantic 2007 V. Peck, I. Hall, R. Zahn, F. Grousset, S. Hemming, J. Scourse
Repeated Instability Of The Nw African Margin Related To Buried Landslide Scarps. 2007 Aggeliki Georgiopoulou, Sebastian Krastel, Douglas Masson, Russell Wynn, Vasilis Lykousis, Dimitris Sakellariou, Jacques Locat, V. Lykousis, Dimitris Sakellariou, Jacques Locat
North Atlantic climate and deep-ocean flow speed changes during the last 230 years 2007 K. Boessenkool, I. Hall, H. Elderfield, I. Yashayaev
New insight into the evolution of large-volume turbidity currents: comparison of turbidite shape and previous modelling results 2007 Peter Talling, Lawrence Amy, Russell Wynn
Measurement of the in situ compressional wave properties of marine sediments 2007 G. Robb, AI Best, J.K. Dix, P. White, T.G. Leighton, J. Bull, A. Harris
Characterization of buried inundated peat on seismic (Chirp) data, inferred from core information 2007 Ruth Plets, Justin Dix, Alex Bastos, Angus Best
Controls on sediment geochemistry in the Crozet region 2007 Richard Marsh, Rachel Mills, Darryl Green, Ian Salter, Sarah Taylor
Deep western boundary current dynamics and associated sedimentation on the Eirik Drift, Southern Greenland Margin 2007 Sally Hunter, David Wilkinson, Essyllt Louarn, Nick McCave, Eelco Rohling, Dorrik Stow, Sheldon Bacon
Deglacial laminated facies on the NW European continental margin: The hydrographic significance of British-Irish Ice Sheet deglaciation and Fleuve Manche paleoriver discharges 2007 F. Eynaud, S. Zaragosi, J. Scourse, M. Mojtahid, J. Bourillet, I. Hall, A. Penaud, M. Locascio, A. Reijonen
The Eirik Drift: a long-term barometer of North Atlantic deepwater flux south of Cape Farewell, Greenland 2007 S. Hunter, D. Wilkinson, J. Stanford, D. Stow, S. Bacon, A. Akhmetzhanov, NH Kenyon, A. Viana, M. Rebesco
Four Climate Cycles of Recurring Deep and Surface Water Destabilizations on the Iberian Margin 2007 Belen Martrat, Joan Grimalt, Nicholas Shackleton, Lucia de Abreu, Manuel Hutterli, Thomas Stocker
Landslide And Gravity Flow Features And Processes Of The Nazar\ e And Set\ ubal Canyons, West Iberian Margin 2007 R. Arzola, R. Wynn, D.G. Masson, P. Weaver, G. Lastras, V. Lykousis, D. Sakellariou, J. Locat, V. Lykousis, D. Sakellariou, J. Locat
Year 2006
Title Year Authors
Attenuation of seismic waves in methane gas hydrate-bearing sand 2006 Jeffrey Priest, Angus Best, Christopher Clayton
Colour logging as a tool in high-resolution palaeoceanography 2006 M. Rogerson, P.P.E. Weaver, E.J. Rohling, L. Lourens, J. Murray, A. Hayes, Guy Rothwell