Year 2015
Title Year Authors
Identification, Correlation and Origin of Multistage Landslide Events in Volcaniclastic Turbidites in the Moroccan Turbidite System 2015 James Hunt, Russell Wynn, I. Croudace, I. Croudace, Guy Rothwell
Future Developments and Innovations in High-Resolution Core Scanning 2015 I. Croudace, Guy Rothwell, I. Croudace, Guy Rothwell
An Empirical Assessment of Variable Water Content and Grain-Size on X-Ray Fluorescence Core-Scanning Measurements of Deep Sea Sediments 2015 J. Hunt, Suzanne MacLachlan, I. Croudace, I. Croudace, Guy Rothwell
Eastern South African hydroclimate over the past 270,000 years 2015 Margit Simon, Martin Ziegler, Joyce Bosmans, Stephen Barker, Chris Reason, Ian Hall
Changes in the strength of the Nordic Seas Overflows over the past 3000 years 2015 Paola Moffa-Sanchez, Ian Hall, David Thornalley, Stephen Barker, Connor Stewart
Bipolar seesaw control on last interglacial sea level 2015 G. Marino, E. Rohling, Rodr\ iguez-Sanz, Katharine Grant, D. Heslop, Andrew Roberts, J. Stanford, J. Yu
Anthropogenic contaminants in Venice Lagoon sediments and their pore fluids: Results from the SIOSED Project 2015 Joris Gieskes, Seunghee Han, Anthony Rathburn, Guy Rothwell, Elena erez, Magali Porrachia, Andrea Barbanti, Dimitri Deheyn
Micro-abrasion of flint artifacts by mobile sediments : a taphonomic approach Micro-abrasion of flint artifacts by mobile sediments : a taphonomic approach 2015 Wei Chu, Charlie Thompson, Rob Hosfield
A micropalaeontological perspective on export productivity, oxygenation and temperature in \NE\ Atlantic deep-waters across Terminations I and \.II\ 2015 Patrick Grunert, L. Skinner, David Hodell, Werner Piller
Micro-XRF Studies of Sediment Cores: A Perspective on Capability and Application in the Environmental Sciences 2015 Guy Rothwell, I. Croudace, I. Croudace, Guy Rothwell
Modern pollution signals in sediments from Windermere, NW England, determined by micro-XRF and lead isotope analysis 2015 H. Miller, I. Croudace, Jonathan Bull, C.J. Cotterill, Justin Dix, Justin Taylor, I. Croudace, Guy Rothwell
A new contribution to the Late Quaternary tephrostratigraphy of the Mediterranean: Aegean Sea core LC21 2015 C. Satow, E.L. Tomlinson, K. Grant, P.G. Albert, V.C. Smith, C.J. Manning, L. Ottolini, S. Wulf, E. Rohling, J.J. Lowe, S.P.E. Blockley, M.A. Menzies
New insights into landslide processes around volcanic islands from Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) observations offshore Montserrat 2015 S.F.L. Watt, M. Jutzeler, P.J. Talling, S.N. Carey, R.S.J. Sparks, M. Tucker, A.J. Stinton, J.K. Fisher, D. Wall-Palmer, V. Hühnerbach, S.G. Moreton
Parameter Optimisation for the ITRAX Core Scanner 2015 S. Jarvis, I. Croudace, Guy Rothwell, I. Croudace, Guy Rothwell
Salt exchange in the Indian-Atlantic Ocean Gateway since the Last Glacial Maximum: A compensating effect between Agulhas Current changes and salinity variations? 2015 Margit Simon, Xun Gong, Ian Hall, Martin Ziegler, Stephen Barker, Gregor Knorr, Marcel van der Meer, Sebastian Kasper, Stefan Schouten
Twenty years of XRF core scanning marine sediments: What do geochemical proxies tell us? 2015 Guy Rothwell, I. Croudace, I. Croudace, Guy Rothwell
Use of calibrated ITRAX XRF data in determining geochemistry and provenance in Agadir Basin, Northwest African Passive Margin 2015 J. Hunt, I. Croudace, Suzanne MacLachlan, I. Croudace, Guy Rothwell
Year 2014
Title Year Authors
A 500 year sediment lake record of anthropogenic and natural inputs to Windermere (English Lake District) using double-spike lead isotopes, radiochronology, and sediment microanalysis 2014 H. Miller, I. Croudace, J.M. Bull, C.J. Cotterill, J.K. Dix, Rex Taylor
The spatial and temporal distribution of grain-size breaks in turbidites 2014 Christopher Stevenson, Peter Talling, Douglas Masson, Esther Sumner, Michael Frenz, Russell Wynn
Solar forcing of North Atlantic surface temperature and salinity over the past millennium 2014 Paola Moffa-Sanchez, Andreas Born, Ian Hall, David Thornalley, Stephen Barker
Response of diatom and silicoflagellate assemblages in the central Gulf of California to regional climate change during the past 55 kyrs 2014 John Barron, David Bukry, Heather Cheshire
Record of methane emissions from the West Svalbard continental margin during the last 23,500years revealed by ?13C of benthic foraminifera 2014 Giuliana Panieri, Rachael James, Angelo Camerlenghi, Graham Westbrook, Chiara Consolaro, Isabel Cacho, Valentina Cesari, Cristina Cervera
Physical characteristics of tephra layers in the deep sea realm: the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption 2014 S. Engwell, R. Sparks, S. Carey
New Insights into the Emplacement Dynamics of Volcanic Island Landslides 2014 Sebastian Watt, Peter Talling, James Hunt
New constraints on the timing of West Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat in the eastern Amundsen Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum 2014 James Smith, Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, Gerhard Kuhn, Johann Phillip, Alastair Graham, Robert Larter, Werner Ehrmann, Steven Moreton, Steffen Wiers, Thomas Frederichs